티스토리 뷰

Carrying out an investigation into the prosecution of intentionally covered and raised suspicions. Stop the prosecution of former johyeoncheon gimu Commander and the jipeot points in time stamped with the official seal of the Seoul Central yunseokyeol jigeomjang ...... they drop to the notice of the reason for such a reference is to stop former President Park Geun-hye. Chairman Yu was indignant that "had to stop prosecuting went to noisy, Johyun transition away because of the seal and stop the Seoul Central jigeomjang chamgoin and olseutop" and "Why are so central jigeomjang President Ha Myoung investigation." Meanwhile

The inde gonna talk is erased is erased from the diagonal Law Firm twenty or erased from the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, or erased from the Center for Human Rights group that did not fit the talking. This frame is talking to the frame, and the same logic of the Chosun Ilbo and hangukdang. This document has been manipulated. Is that a typo in the first natji we disclose that the original documents? * Moderator> Chinese namumok variation fell from DSC 'machine' party is did you mean that? * Im Tae-hoon> are reported to be similar to that logic. Through the bet scratches on the bottom-mail. Now the fingers

Through its members to spread progressive online community. The cafe is known through the news came up to the portal site, Naver, and then put the comment box 'Na Kyung-won Hwang Kyo-ahn let the police presence ", the search box also encouraged its members to enter that phrase. ◆ Create a 'yunseokyeol seal' such as artificial real-time query ranking former minister, Joe supporters staged a collective action through a real-time search. Currently ranked next day 'yunseokyeol stamped "search term is rising searches rank 1. Recently the group Human Rights Center is a Martial Law documents yunseokyeol the seal of the Central jigeomjang was stamped at the time of the investigation the public

Do not throw it surprise indictment, that this was fake. But then there's that jeongyeol delegation. What's that stamped told that the General jjikneunya. This also the same. In case the investigation dressed like this, I'll have to jeongyeol this notice is talked out of going to just cut down to seal the electronic system. This're looking for something

Spent the years, "said" So I (think) do not yunseokyeol central jigeomjang why tackle the woobyeongwoo four years ago when its backbone. Maybe sinsejin enemy woobyeongwoo. Why are said Wondering not redeem woobyeongwoo from prosecution, "he tweaked. SEQ ID NO: 01 above, the Minister of Justice (ministerial) sequence 02 above, the Attorney General (ministerial) sequence 03 above presidential civil affairs chief (Vice-ministerial level) sequence 04 above the Supreme Prosecutor's Office deputy (chagwangeup) sequence 05 above Seoul gogeomjang (chagwangeup) sequence 06 above Busan gogeomjang (chagwangeup ) sequence 07 above cod gogeomjang (chagwangeup) sequence 08 top war gogeomjang (chagwangeup) sequence 09 above Gwangju gogeomjang (chagwangeup) SEQ ID NO: 10 above the Seoul Central jigeomjang (chagwangeup) sequence 11th of Justice Undersecretary (chagwangeup) SEQ ID NO: 12 above legal training Ledger (chagwangeup ) SEQ ID NO: 13 above,

Power of Attorney made necessary by the enlargement of the government at the time did avail all the current and former president does not cover the fact that you need to be distributed to those in power, worthy of the times the situation after the civilian government is sympathetic. However, as it has already become a huge challenge for the drop once caught a huge power and that power became hard to attribute the prosecution reform has Grows always postponed. The prosecution was so impregnable reform, cheoldu the idea to reform the country, the Minister of Justice and Attorney Prosecutor reform with a clear commitment that the people should be one of integrity than anyone and upright

At least one course in legal prosecutor is reported to be difficult to avoid the typhoon personnel. Passport official "is not a political prosecution investigation," said "except for yunseokyeol Attorney General has handonghun at its core," he said just come on home. This 'target' disappeared in the investigation 50 days only. It is time to explore the yunseokyeol General jinaon way. A special section to the sword those who appeared on line college students self-introduction

Emitter am there and down with the media might be accused as competing with each other seems not alone prosecution alone. President, Forward juniors inspection thanks are to live when the investigation related to the regime will never exactly investigations relating to should not, and the head is also not hayeoseo quickly, investigation personnel of the appropriate personnel even need a lot of people forced to expedite investigations limited to urgently because the place is also learned that the search and seizure should be tailored appropriately assortment few million, it seems there may not be to blame, as the president now.

It was inaugurated. Kim introduced that established in 2008 in Cobar and content CNB News interview. According to the CNB News Cobar and content it has organized numerous exhibitions recently received attention. (Related articles: CNB Journal, "[Interview] gimgeonhui Cobar and content representing" spirit awakened 'as culture') unveiled the "2010 nyeonen musical" Miss Saigon ", and in parallel also supports artists and publishing activities. It was published, including "Best rib Mark Photo Album," "Genesis Chagall speak to the picture, '' but Hal Phillip Works. The most active thing exhibitions. "Cartier Collection" before the start in 2009, before the Great World of Andy Warhol ", 2010-2011" magician of colors Chagall 'before 2013

That will immediately identify with him, so I malya cases pain is going to cut off limbs that sweet bean sauce Yun collapse of the prosecution authority. Boss will be brutally nawabari lose all watched as the blood is for self geoyeo not. Not only obediently jundamyeon my self nawabari there is no face to see the ancestors of prosecutors and junior family geotyiji it is not just something to deserve excommunication by the organization. Yun sweet bean sauce is so even abolished seven direct investigations out, only this year, but officially the end of July agreed to, in fact, already it has a look that was ulterior hit the nanjangjil into. Baeseongbeom central jigeomjang had a look into the events from the previous complaint about the scene Professor Sims
